Nowadays few companies don’t name quality in their strategy, and the same applies to projects. The record is probably less bright when we move from naming to actual implementation, and this applies to suppliers and buyers.
We are convinced that quality is not just a word but an attitude which requires efforts and provides returns.

Integrated QA / QC service in Europe / China
Today’s Clients need to hire inspection services that may cover China, India, Europe or the USA, or so different subjects as casting of large pieces, testing HV motors, measuring paint thickness, or structural design reviews. We include these services in our portfolio for you through network of quality specialists. See some cases in our article on «QAQC IN PROJECTS FOR THE CEMENT INDUSTRY«.

Equipment inspection and testing
Even when the Client has the needed expertise in-house, the schedule and the distance can make it unfeasible to attend even the critical manufacturing tests. Our network of inspectors can cover this eventuality and act as the Client’s expert at the manufacturing workshop.

Qualification assessment of suppliers and workshops
Plants often have recurrent projects where they use a set of known and tested suppliers. Capital projects are different and can involve international or local contractors for which the Client may have little information, and even less for the subcontractors and workshops. We conduct qualification assessments typically for specific areas or parts.

Coordination with engineering, manufacturing and shipping
During an important part of a project’s life most of the activity happens at the suppliers’ side: design, manufacturing and shipping, and the Client has few independent clues on what is really happening. This information gap can be critical, and to reduce this risk we integrate the information gathered by the quality inspectors and the design reviews.
The «license to operate» includes nowadays explicit performance on the safety and environment areas, among others. New rules, standards, requirements, tools, etc. continuously appear and require training or refreshing, which we can provide on request.

Resident inspectors as needed
For large projects and distant suppliers, it is often not feasible that the Client displaces his engineers as workshop resident inspectors. We have the qualified inspectors and can arrange these services for your project.